Staying informed of current trends, topics, and applications allows me to bring theory into practice.

College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Taught graduate-level courses for I/O Psychology Degree and Certificate programs
PS501 Foundations of Professional Psychology
PS504 Advanced Research Methods
PS540 Industrial/Organizational Theory and Development
PS541 Organizational Management and Behavior
PS542 Workplace Motivation and Attitudes
PS544 Human Resources Management
PS545 Industrial/Organizational Field Placement
PS600 Comprehensive Exam
2020: Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award
2021: Nomination, Engagement & Inspiration Award
2021: Nomination, Outstanding Professor Award
2018-2019: Academic Advisory Board Member

Organizational Leadership Program
Designed and taught core business classes for Organizational Leadership and Undergraduate Business Courses:
OLS-456: Leadership in Global Environments
OLS-376: Human Resource Issues

College of Online and Continuing Education
Designed and taught core business classes for Graduate and Undergraduate Business Courses:
OL-655: Talent Development and Workforce Planning
OL-663: Leading Change
OL-690: Responsible Corporate Leadership

Course Instructor, State University at Buffalo
Taught science and science-based career awareness program for K-12 educators in the Western New York Region
Development initiative to provide new trade skills to unemployed or underemployed residents for the Western New York region.
Course Instructor, New York Workforce Development/ Erie Community College
Designed and taught Biomanufacturing Certificate Program- program encompassed all aspects of working in and managing Bio-pharmaceutical based products. The course was designed and launched as a part of the Workforce
Academic Advisory Board Member, Millard Fillmore College
An active and contributory member of the Advisory Board- provided guidance and direction on Regulatory Environment of Medical Devices and Implants (REMeDI) Certificate Program with focus on industry, corporate, and business applications.
I pride myself on being able to understand the audience, know the purpose and underlying theme of the presentation or article and then tie the information together in a way that it resonates for the attendees or reader.
DeBruyn, C.(2023, May 18). The Hidden Leadership Benefits of Mental Health & DEIB [Conference Presentation] ORS Partners May DEI Lunch & Learn
Kostman, J.T. (Host) DeBruyn, C. (2022, August 19). Sold My Soul to the Compan-E-store (No. 12). In TomorrowToday. https://rss.com/podcasts/tomorrowtoday/588791/
DeBruyn, C. (2020), Leadership, Workforce, & Change Management. Psi Chi Graduate Student Organization, Purdue University Global, W. Lafayette. IN.
Poole, J., Rivera, B., Jurowski, K., DeBruyn, C. (2020), An Evolving Look Part 1: Training, Developing, and Retaining Online Faculty at the Program Level - 1 Year Later. 6th annual Teaching Innovation Presence (TIP) Conference. Purdue University Global Online Conference.
DeBruyn, C. (2018), Reset Your Assumptions: How to leverage your transferable skill set to reach your professional goals. Business & Professional Exchange, Indianapolis, IN.
DeBruyn, C. (2018), The Building, Branding, and Managing “You” Inc. Graduate Engineering Student Organization, Purdue University, W. Lafayette. IN.
DeBruyn, C. (2017), Careers in Engineering and Manufacturing. Noblesville High School, Noblesville, IN.
DeBruyn, C. (2016), Careers in Durable Goods Manufacturing. Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Manufacturing Days, Lafayette, IN.
DeBruyn, C. (2015), Careers in Durable Goods Manufacturing. Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Manufacturing Days, Lafayette, IN.
DeBruyn, C. (2010), Professional Branding & Social Networking for MBA Graduates. Niagara University, Niagara, NY.
DeBruyn, C. (2009), Leveraging Transferable Skill Sets from Manufacturing to Life Sciences. 1st Annual Career Exposition at the University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Berke, L., Pfadenhauer, D., DeBruyn, C., Kendall, S. (2009), Leveraging Generational & Cultural Diversity for Organizational Effectiveness. 18th Annual New York Biotechnology Association Conference, New York, NY.
Bernhard, K., L., Xanthopoulos, G., DeBruyn, C., Sheehan, A. (2009), Tools and Techniques to Turn Your Scientists into Leaders. 18th Annual New York Biotechnology Association Conference, New York, NY.
DeBruyn, C., & Kostura, A. (2023, October 24). Maintaining a positive mental health outlook: A guide for transitioning military service members entering the civilian workforce. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/maintaining-positive-mental-health-outlook-guide-military-debruyn-jevfc/
DeBruyn, C., & Moness, J. (2023, September 1). The mindful workplace: Unlocking the power of employee engagement, retention, and psychological safety. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mindful-workplace-unlocking-power-employee-engagement-debruyn/
DeBruyn, C. (2020, November). If You Build It, They Will Come. . .Maybe. CIO Review. https://knowledgemanagement.cioreview.com/cxoinsight/if-you-build-it-they-will-come%E2%80%A6maybe-nid-32304-cid-132.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, April 12). Change is the Only Constant. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/04/change-is-only-constant.html
·DeBruyn, C. (2019, April 18). Servant Leadership. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/04/servant-leadership.html
·DeBruyn, C. (2019, April 26). Want to Make Your Job Easier? Break Down Your Silos by Working on The Edges. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/04/want-to-make-your-job-easier-break-down.html
·DeBruyn, C. (2019, May 3). Does Your Team Feel Safe Speaking Up? Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/05/does-your-team-feel-safe-in-speaking-up.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, May 10). Humility in Leadership. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/05/humility-in-leadership.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, May 23). Does Being Empathetic Make You a Better Leader?Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/05/does-being-empathetic-make-you-better.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, May 31). Giving Feedback Effectively. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/05/giving-feedback-effectively.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, June 12). Making Networking Work for You. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/06/making-networking-work-for-you.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, June 27). The Leadership Challenge: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-leadership-challenge-five-practices.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, July 12). Leading in Turbulent Times. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/07/leading-in-turbulent-times.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, July 26). What is psychological safety, and why is it important for building great teams? Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-psychological-safety-and-why-is.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, August 2). Overcoming Conflict in Your Team. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/08/overcoming-conflict-in-your-team.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, August 28). Accountability as a Leader. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/08/accountability-as-leader.html
DeBruyn, C. (2019, September 20). Effective Communication Series 1. Ki Leadership Blog. http://kileadership.blogspot.com/2019/09/effective-communication-series-1.html